Strengthening Disaster Resilience: The Role of Renewables in Indonesia

By: Tasseer Badri
Bali Solar℠

March 27, 2024

Empowering Resilience: Uncertainty and Solar Solutions

Indonesia, an archipelago nation located in the Ring of Fire, is highly susceptible to natural disasters. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and forest fires are frequent occurrences across various regions in Indonesia. These disasters not only claim lives and damage infrastructure but also cripple the supply of electricity, communication, and other essential services.

In such situations, communities face immense challenges. Without electricity, rescue and recovery efforts following disasters are hampered. However, the good news is that renewable energy can play a crucial role in strengthening disaster resilience in Indonesia.

The Dependence and Vulnerability of Traditional Grids:

Indonesia's traditional electricity grid system remains dominated by centralized fossil-fuel power plants. This electricity infrastructure is highly vulnerable to damage caused by natural disasters. Power lines can be severed by strong winds, floods can disrupt transmission networks, and fuel supplies for power plants can be cut off. As a result, large swathes of the population are plunged into darkness and struggle to recover.

The Advantages of Renewables in Disaster Situations:

Compared to conventional energy sources, renewable energy offers several advantages that can enhance disaster resilience in Indonesia:

  • Distributed Power Generation: Renewable energy sources like solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal power plants can be located closer to the areas demanding energy. This reduces dependence on long-distance transmission lines susceptible to disruptions.

  • Fuel Source Independence: Renewable sources like solar and wind don't rely on external fuel supplies that can be disrupted during disasters. They harness the sun's rays or wind power, ensuring a more reliable energy source.

  • Microgrid Potential: Renewable energy systems can be integrated into microgrids, which are self-contained power grids capable of operating independently from the main grid. This allows critical infrastructure like hospitals and emergency shelters to remain powered even during widespread outages.

  • Faster Restoration: Solar panels and small-scale wind turbines can be repaired or replaced faster compared to traditional grid infrastructure. This speeds up the post-disaster recovery process.

Benefits Beyond Backup Power:

The contribution of renewable energy goes beyond just providing backup power. Here are some additional benefits:

  • Reduced Reliance on Generators: Portable generators often used after disasters are noisy and polluting, and they also require a constant supply of fuel. Renewable energy offers a cleaner and more sustainable alternative.

  • Improved Air Quality: Disasters can damage power plants, leading to increased air pollution. Renewable energy generates clean energy, thereby improving air quality during and after disasters.

  • Long-Term Sustainability: Investing in renewable energy strengthens Indonesia's long-term energy security and reduces dependence on fossil fuels, which are vulnerable to price fluctuations and geopolitical instability.

Real-World Examples in Indonesia:

Several regions in Indonesia have already begun utilizing renewable energy to improve disaster preparedness. East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province, frequently hit by floods and droughts, is actively developing solar and micro-hydro power plants. In other areas like Bali and Lombok, tourists can now enjoy accommodation that uses solar panels to reduce their carbon footprint and ensure electricity availability even during disruptions to the main grid.

Furthermore, the Indonesian government is also promoting the development of geothermal power plants, considering Indonesia possesses the world's largest geothermal reserves. By harnessing its abundant renewable energy resources, Indonesia can decrease its reliance on fossil fuels and build better disaster resilience.

Towards a More Resilient Future:

By integrating renewable energy solutions into disaster preparedness plans, Indonesia can build greater resilience and ensure quicker recovery after natural disasters. Investing in renewable energy isn't just about clean energy; it's about building a safer and more sustainable future for Indonesian communities.

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